
This blog shares my thoughts on Photography, tech gadgets, policies, food and sometimes one or two reflections on life. Simply put, it's the world according to me.

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onsdag 31 augusti 2011

Food Inspiration, Guide Rouge listing no where in sight..

According to celebrity chefs, my favourite being Anthony Bourdain, inspiration is supposed to be an important factor when trying out ones amateurish creations in the kitchen. I guess I should share some of my inspiration from this evenings battle in the kitchen. Below you find the view from our kitchen, and well.. I guess that counts for pretty good inspiration... 

And before you come to see it for yourself, let me make a confession. Yes they are crops, i.e. there are some other houses around and what you see is the most center of our view... But hey, I don't follow the recipe when cooking either...

Old school coming home...

Contemporary Gluttony leaving..

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